9 Frogs That Eat Mice (With Pictures)

Everyone knows frogs eat bugs. We’ve known that since we were kids. They use their sticky tongues to catch even small, agile flies. But do frogs eat mice? Frogs are a diverse group, and while all frogs will happily eat insects, some species will eat things much bigger than that. In fact, the internet is full of videos of gigantic frogs catching and eating mice.

The truth is, can frogs eat mice? All frogs will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths and overpower. Any frog that grows big enough to overpower a mouse will eat a mouse, although there are certainly some species that will eat them more often than others. Here are some great examples of mice-eating frogs.

9 Frogs That Eat Mice

The Pacman frog, African and American Bullfrog, White’s Tree Frog, Green Tree Frog, Goliath Frog, Budgett’s Frog, Smokey Jungle Frog, and Chilean Giant Frog will all eat mice.

1. Pacman frogs

pacman frog eating mouse | image by Torkild Retvedt via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

Beloved as exotic pets for their unique appearance, pacman frogs are one of the most common amphibians you’ll see in pet stores. More properly called South American Horned Frogs, they get their name from their massive heads, wide mouths, and disproportionately small bodies.

They also tend to have lots of interesting color morphs, and they can be somewhat aggressive. They tend to bite when handled. They mostly eat a diet of insects and other invertebrates, but they certainly grow big enough to eat mice, and Pacman frog owners usually give these as a treat every so often.

2. African Bullfrogs

African bullfrog | image by Kelley Minars via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

These are monstrous frogs, both in size and appearance. They frequently weigh 3 pounds or more, and they have a voracious appetite. They’re one of the most aggressive frog species, which can make feeding them quite entertaining.

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They’ll eat anything that they can get into their mouths, which includes lots of insects, but also means that lizards, snakes, other frogs, and mice are all on the menu. Males have even been known to eat their own tadpoles.

3. American Bullfrogs

American bullfrog

Rarely exceeding 2 pounds in weight, American bullfrogs are significantly smaller than their African counterpart, but no less ferocious. They eat whatever they can catch, which includes mice.

In fact, in the wild, they’ve even been documented eating bats. When they catch animals like bats and mice, they immediately swim underwater to drown their prey before swallowing it.

4. White’s tree frogs

White’s tree frog | source: Vladislav Litvinov via Flickr

Simply called green tree frogs in their native Australia, these aren’t actually especially large species, and those familiar with them might be surprised that they’ll eat mice. Of course, only the larger individuals will do it, but the thing about frogs is that all frog species will gladly eat anything that fits in the mouth.

White’s tree frogs probably aren’t gulping down too many mice in the wild, but in captivity it’s certainly something that happens. And there are plenty of Australians who’ve seen these frogs attacking and eating mice, and at least one case in which a White’s tree frog ate a rat.

5. Green Tree frogs

green tree frog
green tree frog | image by ALAN SCHMIERER via Flickr

Green tree frogs are native to the Southeastern US where they’re very common. They’re an arboreal species that rarely touches the ground and relies almost entirely on the humidity of the region to keep their skin moist, since they’re poor swimmers.

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They’re also not very large frogs, so only the largest individuals can eat something the size of a mouse. Most green tree frogs stick to insects and small arachnids, but the largest adults will certainly eat young mice and other small mammals.

6. Goliath Frog

Goliath frog in the museum
Goliath frog in the museum | image by Ryan Somma via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

This is the worlds largest frog, with adults reaching 13 inches in length and over 7 pounds in weight. It lives only in a very small region of West Africa, where it’s endangered. It’s large size makes it popular in the pet trade as well as for food.

Because of their size, they have one of the broadest diets of any frog species. While they’ll eat insects, adults really enjoy feasting on fish, small turtles, lizards, and small mammals. Like bullfrogs, they’ve even been known to eat bats. In captivity, mice are a staple food for them.

7. Budgett’s frog

Budgett’s frog | image by Kuribo via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

This species looks like it’s been run over by a car- the body and head are remarkably flat, and the eyes sit directly on top of the head like a crocodile’s. This allows them to see above the surface of the water even while submerged.

They grow to about 4 inches long, and their heads take up about a third of their body length. They’re highly aquatic so other frogs, insects, fish and snails make up much of their natural diet. Mice are definitely on the menu, though, especially in captivity where this species is a popular pet.

8. Smoky Jungle Frog

smoky jungle frog | image by -MattHewitt- via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

This species is named for it’s beautiful coloration, which really does look somewhat smoky. It inhabits the rainforests of Central and South America, where it grows to about 7 inches long.

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Adults will eat almost anything that moves. Large insects, other frogs, lizards, snakes, birds, and of course small mammals like mice. In keeping with other large carnivorous frogs, they do seem to have a taste for bats.

9. Chilean Giant Frog

Giant Chilean frog | image by José Grau de Puerto Montt via Flickr | CC BY-SA 3.0

Often called the helmeted toad despite the fact that it’s a frog, these 2 pound frogs have a massive head with a wide mouth and highly variable coloration. They have warty skin that can be brown, yellow or green. They’re the largest frog in the Western Hemisphere.

Adults will eat anything they can overpower, including other Chilean Giant Frogs. Mice are easy prey, along with most small mammals. They aren’t especially popular in the pet trade, but people do like to eat them. That, combined with habitat loss, poses a threat to the survival of the species.

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About Chris
Enthusiast and pet owner

Chris is a reptile and amphibian enthusiast who's also interested in many different types of arachnids and insects.